Silver lining and good times! Previous item Glencairn whisky tasting... Next item A truly new whisky- Amrut...

Today we have a very important announcement to broadcast; what started around a decade back has now taken shape and brought us results that I am sure all in this group will applaud with glee. In the words of Ashok Chokalingam, my email to him in 2011 struck a chord and was to an extent the genesis of such a move. If today there is a grouse that some of you have, about the availability of those fantastic single malt expressions of Amrut in India please do spare a thought about my interests back in 2000!

Taking strength from inspirational quotes, I only imagined the plight of enthusiasts such as Krishna Nukala who were able to move against odds at a time where what we have today is a luxury. Yes challenges remain but just to ruminate, today we have a community- All of you have contributed immensely to this community by sharing experiences, knowledge and many a dram at our events. We have this forum where follow malt enthusiasts offer help to others who have challenges due to legislation or geography. We have communication channels which are at our finger tips and reach beyond imagination, we as a club have our own bottle releases…. Yes if you put all in perspective I think we have come a long way in our journey of single malt whisky exploration.

Today’s announcement is another step forward for all of us
“Are we children from the lesser god?” – These were the words that I used in my communication with Amrut & Ashok about being ignored as a consumer in India. Those words had a deep impact and Ashok has reminded me of those words every time we met, they have lingered on and has helped in making a change which will have a profound impact on the members of this club and beyond. Please do watch the video to listen to Ashok making an announcement about the future releases of Amrut for India. I am absolutely delighted to present this to the group and hopefully you will all help me spread this message of joy with your friends and fellow enthusiasts. I would also make a request for all to repose this faith by ensuring we support the market when the time comes and making it grow.

Thank you Ashok & Amrut for making this happen.
Hemanth Rao
Founder- SMAC India

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