unprecedented times for the whole world
Not another E-tasting!
These are unprecedented times for the whole world and the need to champion the spirit of charity has never been more.
To support this cause, SMAC brings to you a 3 part online series that offers a whisky connoisseur’s perspective on a few talking points.. that nobody talks about!.
All proceeds from these sessions added with a humble contribution from SMAC will be donated to an institute that strives at making the world a better place for the less gifted. The contribution will be made public post completion of this series.
What’s in store-
*Episode 1 – Whisky Selection – Eenie meenie miney mo?*
How often have you stood in front of the duty free shelf or at the liquor store wondering which whisky to carry back with you? Choosing a daily dram, picking that interesting bottle, gifting the appropriate whisky, it is worth the price? No age statement- bad whisky? With the numerous options available making that decision could be quite a challenge. Let’s make this easy! We have for you a list of key checkpoints that could just save you the next time you are staring blank at those whisky filled shelves.
*Episode 2 – ‘Whisky Fancy or a Fortune’*
This session is to cover those coveted & exotic bottles that catch the fancy of many, but the fortunate few possess. An insight into today’s world of whisky being touted as an investment tool and the traps that amateurs may walk into. No longer are exotic & rare whiskies found at the duty free shelves, this session will cover tips on where to look for these bottles. Auction sites, world famous stores and how one can collect whisky based on objectives of investment or a hobby. Answers to some of these questions and more in the second chapter so you are able to find the Real McCoy
*Episode 3 – ‘Whisky G&G’*
Did you think there were only Glencairn and Old Fashion glasses to sip your whisky from? In the third chapter we will have on display a range of glassware, old to new, odd shaped to even, manual to tech, that you can enjoy your whisky in. We will also lay out a few gizmos that have accompanied the art of whisky drinking over the years. Look out for ‘Whisky Glassware & Gizmos’
T@C for ‘Not another E-tasting’
*3 episodes, 7: 00 PM to 8: 00 PM IST -1 May, 8 May,15 May
*Not more than 25 participants per session, to accommodate enough time for Q&A
*All sessions would occur on Zoom. Please login from any device of your choice
*Download Zoom from –
*Registration Fee of INR 500 (for 3 sessions) to be paid in advance via payment link provided below
*All collections will be donated to a charitable organisation and receipts will be made public by SMAC India
*Meeting invite and participant pin will be sent to all those who have paid on First come first serve
*In case of any disruptions to the session schedule, the same will be rescheduled to a revised date which will be communicated to all participants
Payment link – https://rzp.io/l/notanotheretasting
Let’s catch up online. Bring your favourite dram or a cup of tea. Cheers