SMAC & Paul John the exclusive single cask bottling
T&C For PreBooking
1) You should have a valid SMAC membership ID to make a booking.
(2) Maximum 2 bottles will be issued per membership ID, MULTIPLE entries will be excluded.
(3) Booking will begin at 09:00 AM IST on 13 MARCH 2020.
(4) Link for booking will be enabled our website
(5) Booking will be on a first come serve basis – PLEASE NOTE THOSE WHO HAVE BOOKED ON THE ‘LEAP OF FAITH’ TOUR NEED NOT BOOK AGAIN.
(6) On filling up the form you will be sent a booking code within 24 hours.
(7) The booking code will be valid for 14 days from the date of issue. To purchase the bottle payments need to be made directly to Anurag wines within this period.
(8) The booking code will automatically expire after 14 days and your bottle will be reallocated to other members.
(9) Code along with membership ID needs to be presented for payment & collection of bottle at Anurag wines.
(10) MRP of the bottle is INR 4999/-
(11) Bottle can be collected from Anurag wines 20 Mar 2020 onwards.
Home delivery or shipping is NOT allowed by Indian law and requests will not be entertained. For payment options please contact- +91 9886649245.
SMAC India does not sell or trade in alcohol beverages, the purchase of exclusive spirits will be offered through our partner, Anurag wines.